If you would like to see your pet’s picture on this page, please email a picture of your pet, your name, your pet’s name and, if you like, an anecdote about your pet to: office@somspiritualcenterla.org.
All submissions are subject to our Terms of Use.
Buddy and Lilly
This is Buddy (left) Rev Pam’s 2 yr old Maltese who is filled with energy and quite a character. He does not like the vacuum cleaner. Lilly is the Matriarch of this twosome and is 6 yrs young. She is sweet and very sensitive. During the day you will find Lilly sleeping in her bed under Rev. Pam’s desk.
Submitted by: Rev. Pam MacGregor
Submitted by: Rev. John McLean
Sam was adopted from the Wayside Waifs shelter in Independence, MO.
Submitted by: Jenni S.
She is an Eclectus Parrot. The males are always green. She is sweet and beautiful.
Submitted by: Nilsa B.
Luna and Rocky
Luna was found on the street about 6 years ago and Rocky was a rescue. It was later discovered that he is deaf, but he’s a
Very happy boy.
Submitted by: Nilsa B.
He’s called “The Dude,” because he’s the coolest dog ever. Almost human.
Submitted by: Nilsa B.
Double yellow Amazon. 35 yrs. old. Talks a lot and is a real character. Loves to eat whatever his family is eating
Submitted by: Nilsa B.