Love is the Power
I turn from that which seems to be my present expression, to that which I desire to be. My whole being is immersed in peace and unity. I am centered in the Spirit of love. I claim myself to be God-loving and therefore All-loving. Divine love governs all of my relationships and all of my experiences. The power of love heals and blesses everyone and everything I come into contact with. The spirit of love sources all of my actions and governs all of my affairs.
I see an ever-increasing awareness of universal love and intelligence in all people everywhere. Love replaces fear and firmly establishes a world atmosphere that empowers individual goodness and greatness by reaching deeply into the hearts and minds of all. Opportunities and possibilities are motivated and sustained by the wisdom of divine love. I believe that self-love secures and heals discord and limited thinking. Love opens the heart and makes the mind flexible and willing to release the present reality of what is to accepting a new reality of what can be. The loving nature of God is all-powerful, limitless and everywhere present. With invincible faith, love and gratitude, I accept this as the truth and release it to the great Law of Mind that always responds by corresponding, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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