Love and Wisdom

I am one with God, infinite good. There is nothing separating me from
my source creator. I am always connected to Divine greatness. I accept
Its calling to live with an open heart without reservation. I am grateful
for the wisdom to see the perfection back of all appearances and to
know the Truth.

My inherent nature is the essence of love. This love is a healing power that infuses everything and everyone with its sacred warmth and protection. Love governs all actions by its divine embrace and its everlasting arms of harmony. I am confident that God is always acting through me in all I do, say and think. My
heart is filled with gladness and my mind is wise and discerning.

Within me is intelligence greater than anything that can be seen in the material world. The Spirit of love and wisdom surround me, sustain me and guide me into the paths of rightness. Immersed in perfect peace, I meet every situation with divine love and wisdom and the only result is an increase of God’s blessings. With a grateful heart, I give thanks for this perfect demonstration. I let it be so, and so it is!

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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