It’s All-Good
I am one with the Universal Creative God Power. It is in me and I am in it. There is an All-Presence of good that always surrounds me and flows through me at all times. There is nothing that can interfere with my absolute trust in good. I have unwavering faith in the infinite power of good.
I gladly receive the gifts of life and gladly cooperate with the Law of Good. I walk in the pathway of goodness and attract more good. I receive good and release it into action in everything I do. I joyfully impart goodness to everyone I meet. The more good I see the more good there is. I live in the realization that natural good sustains me and consistently operates through me in positive and powerful ways. This All-Good is a contagious energy that transforms all people, places and things. With complete faith, I accept and believe that this word is now an established reality. In gratitude, I let it be, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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