I Am Radiant Health
Regardless of any appearance, I am the embodiment of God in perfection. I am radiant health and wholeness functioning as divine energy and strength. I am vital, alive and every function of body is sustained by God Mind.
My mind, body and spirit are a blessed trinity working in harmony and balance. I see with the eyes of God and hear with the ears of God. There is a healing force and power that runs through me and maintains an immunity to anything that is unlike the wholeness of God being. The activity of God maintains the harmony of my entire being, physically, mentally and emotionally. Health is my natural state of being. I am grateful for the full functioning power of Infinite Mind always working in and through me as the vitality of wholeness, completeness and perfection.
All is well. I give thanks for this truth being the great reality in my life. I let it be, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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