I Am Not Influenced By Outer Effects

When I am tempted to judge by appearances, I remind myself of the Golden Rule and that the activity of God maintains the harmony of my being. This action of affirmative power responds to me, independent of any appearance or circumstance.

The truth is always revealed to me and forever established in my experience. I believe that these words and the power of them have converted, neutralized and dissolved any doubt, fear or false belief in limitation so that I am now permanently free and released from the past. My consciousness of oneness sees through the seen to the unseen. I let go of that which was little and expect a larger concept and increase of life to enter.

My desires and creative self-expression are guided by the wisdom of God into successful achievement. With a grateful heart and a sound mind, I now accept that the abundant expression of the Divine Spirit is flowing through me in new and wonderful ways. I let this be so, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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