I Am Firmly Established in Principle
I am firmly established in principle. My mind is quiet and my heart is opened and receptive to the truth of my God-Being. In the eyes of God-Mind, I am perfect.
I am grateful that I can hear the still small voice of truth that guides me clearly with its wisdom. Any desire or need to judge or criticize myself in destructive ways, is now completely nullified and no longer a part of my consciousness. I serve one master and trust in that guidance to direct my every thought, word and deed. I retreat from the noise of the world and commune with my indwelling spirit where I am immersed in peace and love.
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Perfect peace fills me with thoughts of harmonious joy so that each endeavor is accomplished with enthusiasm, efficiently and successfully. I am a divine center of being, free from the past and quickened to this glorious moment of now. I am rich with ideas that enhance my greatest potential to express and experience all that I am. My life is filled with over-flowing goodness, fulfillment and satisfaction in every area. I accept this word as law.
I give thanks and release this, believing with absolute conviction and joyous expectancy that this completed demonstration is my reality right now, and so it is!
Rev. Pam
Posted in: Faith Lifts
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