I Am Entering into a New Life

Today I am entering into a new life. The doorway of opportunity is open wide before me. Something within me is alert and aware. My will, my thought, and my imagination feel and sense new opportunities for self-expression. I identify myself with success, I am one with it. New ideas and new ways of doing things come to me.

I have complete confidence that I recognize opportunity when it presents itself. I know what to do under every circumstance and in every situation. There is a deep feeling within me that all is well. I am ready and willing to give the best I have to life, and I know the best that life has comes back to me.

Believing that Divine Power is back of every constructive thought, that I live in a Divine Presence which flows through everything, and that I am guided by an infinite Intelligence which knows everything, I live this day in complete assurance; I live this day in complete happiness. And, I expect that every tomorrow will reveal an increasing unfoldment, an increasing revelation of that good which is eternally available for every person.

Adapted from the writings of Ernest Holmes

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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