I Am Aligned With Source

I am one with Spirit. This Divine presence and power radiates within me, through me and around me. Spirit is forever expanding by the renewing of my mind. I am the demonstration of this coordinated spiritual expansion. Every fiber of my being is in full cooperation with the still small voice that gracefully guides and directs my every thought, word and deed. This power fills me with right and perfect creative ideas that are motivated by love and wisdom and expressed with clarity and certainty.

I am able to ascend above appearances to the secret place of the most high, where my vision is clear, the view is unlimited and opportunities are infinitely aligned with my place in the divine plan. I have planted the seeds in the creative soil of Mind. I trust that the divine plan is always on time, in time and every time. In known and unknown ways, everything is happening in the right way. Every detail has been attended to appropriately. I see it. I feel it. I know it. I now rest in peace and calm assurance, accepting and believing with the utmost consistency, that my word is law unto the thing for which it is spoken.

I give thanks and celebrate this complete demonstration as my reality and my experience. I release it and joyfully let it go, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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