God’s Peace Surrounds Me

I turn my attention to the inner sanctuary of peace and call forth the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding. Here I am quiet and alone and never disturbed by the outer noise of the world. There is nothing anywhere to fear. I am always guarded by the power of God’s wisdom, love and protection. In this changing world, I consistently rely on unchanging principles.

Any appearance of confusion is dispelled. Peace at my center repels all discord and fills my whole being with harmony. Divine intelligence establishes me in serenity and calmness. I accept and proclaim peace, even in the midst of the opposition. Each situation is an offering of an opportunity to choose and apply peace.

The kingdom of God is within and within the kingdom of God is peace. My life is peaceful. I rejoice in God’s peace that surrounds me, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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