God At The Center Is Success

God is the center of power in my life. Right ideas come to me through this Divine Presence in an orderly sequence of creation. Each and every idea is handled with wisdom and enthusiasm. With God-mind at the center, I inspire confidence, support and cooperation in and from others.

My direction is definite and my actions are constructive and purposeful. I am yielding and flexible but do not sacrifice principle. I am maintained and sustained by strong radiant thoughts of success that produce successful results in all my endeavors. I stand firm in truth, always evolving into greater integrity against all odds. I think success. I walk success. I talk success. I believe my life is success. My attention is on success amongst all people as a cooperative and compatible unit. I identify only with the principle of successful living.

This Great Creative Mind is always working for me. It is the Law of my life, returning to me what I think into it. I rejoice and give thanks for the positive action that this word is causing right here and now. With absolute trust and invincible faith, I release this with a heart filled with over-flowing gratitude, and so it is!

Rev. Pam

Posted in: Faith Lifts

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