Belief, Believer, Believed – July 9, 2017

At the Science of Mind Spiritual Center Los Angeles, you will hear relevant messages, by Rev. Pam MacGregor, that you can apply to everyday life.

Loving greetings and welcome to the month of July wherein we celebrate freedom and independence. Certainly we can all relate to the outer definition of these words, but what about their more profound meanings in terms of our awareness of ourselves as individualized expressions of Spirit, free as Spirit is free, awake as Spirit is awake? To support us in our individual answer to this question, our theme of the month is Our Inheritance of Independence.

The topic on July 9, 2017, was Belief, Believer, Believed. There is That within you which has been a believer long before you began walking the path that teaches the power of belief and manifesting what is believed. If this were not our inheritance as individualized expressions of Spirit, we could not manifest in tangible form the word we speak unto the great Law of Life. The work is about growing belief into an unquestionable knowing, even before we speak it.

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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