"All that the Father Hath Is Thine" – June 19, 2022

Loving greetings, and a happy Father’s Day to all of you who fill that treasured role in a child’s life.

Our theme for the month of June is, “A Soulmap for Conscious Living.” Each of us has sole responsibility for consciously creating our inner and outer journey, a soulmap, you could say, by which we navigate all aspects of our life. Each Sunday we will examine a universal spiritual principle that supports us in cultivating mindsets and heartsets that result in making spiritually skillful choices. I look forward to our time together and sharing the joy of our inner search and practice.

The June 19, 2022 topic is “All that the Father Hath Is Thine.” As Ernest Holmes wisely reminds us, “The whole endeavor of mankind is to return to the Father’s House.” This house is not a physical location, but rather one of consciousness, of living in a conscious awareness that, as we learn in Luke 12:32, “It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” The real question is, are you willing to receive it?

Posted in: Podcast, Sunday’s Message

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